Cockroach Extermination Methods |
Cockroach extermination methods by first recognizing the cockroaches. There are three common types of cockroach which you may find in and around your home which are the American Cockroach, the Oriental Cockroach and the German cockroach which all differ in size and shape, characteristics and behavior. So if you happen to find cockroaches in your home, it is well worth getting to know which type of cockroach you have in your home so you can understand them much better.
Starve them access to water as they need water to survive and breed and so it is a good idea to fix any leaks you find in and around your home. Try and seal any cracks around your home and don’t let them get access through any exterior walls. They will try and hide in any cracks in and around the home so by sealing these up as much as you can, you will deny them a home. Put some fresh bay leaves in the area that is often skipped cockroaches. Cut lemon into wedges. Place in a small container. Put the containers in the kitchen cabinet, dining table, sink, and other locations that are frequently explored cockroaches. You can also use cucumber instead of lemon. Make the garlic juice. Dilute juice with water ratio of juice and water 1: 5. Enter the solution in a sprayer and spray where cockroaches are often impassable.
Professional Cockroach Extermination Is Not Efficient But It's Very Effective.
There are a few professional services, professional sprays and pheromones that you can use and can be brought from good hardware stores to get rid of cockroaches. However, if your cockroach problem is too much then consider getting in a pest control expert who is trained in applying cockroach extermination methods who can deal with the problem for you in a way that deals with them thoroughly and effectively.
Important to always remember that Cockroaches bring many diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, gastro-enteritis and typhoid and can be extremely hazardous in particular to the vulnerable such as the very young, elderly and infirm and also those with low immune systems such as those currently ill. They are also incredibly odorous and can leave a fowl, musty smell when they in and around your home and leave their droppings around your home which can also carry disease that encourage the spread of asthma and eczema. Keep clean…